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Thank you so much for taking time to have a look at my small corner of the web and also for showing an interest in my writing. As you will see this isn't some great internet extravaganza, it's just a couple of pages so you can discover a bit about me. I'm also hoping you will take the opportunity to tell me a bit about you too.


All characters in stories, both big and small, come from people that we have heard about, have read about or have met; this is certainly true for the characters in my first book 'An Accidental Serial Killer'.

The personalities of the characters in my book come from a blend of people. These can be people I know really well or just someone whose acquaintance I briefly made but who had a personality trait that struck a chord with me – either in a good way or in a bad way. Obviously I am influenced most by the people around me and various aspects of family and close friends can appear in many different characters. For example, my husband Neil appears in some shape or form in most of the male characters in the book.

It's the same with descriptions of places and buildings. We moved house a lot when I was a child. Growing up I never lived anywhere longer than five years and so although the villages and towns that appear in book are fictional many bear more than a passing resemblance to some of the areas I've lived in. It's the same for the descriptions of properties. One of the rooms I describe was actually my in-laws sitting room whilst Amy's farmhouse is based on an old Manse that was my home for a number of years.

Therefore I am always on the look out for new and interesting people and places to build into stories. Please feel free to leave me a little of yourself and your favourite places; you never know you could be just what the next story needs.